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219.00 SR 69.00 SR

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ุชู… ุจูŠุนู‡ุง ููŠ ุขุฎุฑ ุณุงุนุงุช

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Introducing theย Faucet Oral Irrigator Water Jetย - your ultimate solution for achieving exceptional oral hygiene with ease and precision. Elevate your dental care routine with this innovative dental tool that combines convenience, effectiveness, and modern design.

Why Choose Ourย 
Dental Water Flosser
  • Efficient Oral Cleaning:ย The Faucet Oral Irrigator Water Jet harnesses the power of water to remove debris, plaque, and food particles from hard-to-reach areas between your teeth and along the gumline. Say goodbye to traditional flossing and hello to a more thorough and efficient oral cleaning experience.

  • Adjustable Water Pressure:ย Tailor your oral irrigation experience to your comfort level with adjustable water pressure settings. Whether you prefer a gentle cleanse or a more powerful stream, this dental irrigator provides the flexibility you need for a personalized experience.

  • Easy-to-Use Design:ย Designed with user convenience in mind, this dental flosser effortlessly attaches to most standard faucets. The easy-to-use switch allows you to control the water flow, making it suitable for users of all ages.

  • Compact and Portable:ย The compact size of the Faucet Oral Irrigator Water Jet ensures that you can maintain your oral hygiene routine even when you're on the go. It's the ideal travel companion for those who prioritize their dental health while away from home.

  • Versatile Applications:ย This dental irrigator isn't just limited to oral hygiene. It can also be used to clean and massage your gums, promoting better circulation and gum health. The versatile design ensures that you get more than just a tooth cleaning tool.

  • Hygienic and Easy to Clean:ย The detachable nozzle design makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze. Simply remove the nozzle, rinse it under running water, and you're good to go. It's a hassle-free approach to keeping your dental irrigator in pristine condition.

  • Durable Build:ย Crafted from high-quality materials, the Faucet Oral Irrigator Water Jet is built to last. Its durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, providing you with reliable oral care for years to come.

Upgrade your dental care routine with the Faucet Oral Irrigator Water Jet and experience the benefits of a cleaner, fresher mouth. From its adjustable water pressure to its compact design, every feature has been thoughtfully designed to enhance your oral health journey. Embrace the future of dental hygiene today!


We would greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to meet demand while ensuring that every piece meets our high-quality standards.

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219.00 SR 69.00 SR