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159.00 SR 69.00 SR

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ุชู… ุจูŠุนู‡ุง ููŠ ุขุฎุฑ ุณุงุนุงุช

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Make the most out of yourย vegetablesย with the incredibleย multi-function Vegetable Slicer/Cutter.
Whether you're looking to makeย a stir-fry or a vegetable medley,ย it'll only take you seconds to Julienne your vegetables.
Simplyย place the vegetables you want cut into the bin and rotate the handle -- It's as easy as that!
Limited Time 70% OFF!!]3 in 1 Multi-Function Vegetable Cutter & Slice โ€“  Iamkaws
Here comes ourย  flash sale! We sell thisย Multifunctional Vegetable Cutter & Slicerย at onlyย $34.32.Act fast before sale ends.

Strong, Small and Stylish:ย Slicer is made from stainless steel and BPA-free plastic which outlasts ordinary vegetable cutters. It doesnโ€™t occupy much of your kitchen space as itโ€™s very compact. It is smartly designed and looks very stylish.
Rotary Grater:ย Slicer comes with an easy to use handle which allows us to stop the cutting or slicing at any moment if required. It can be used to grate cheese easily. Not just grating, grinding of nuts and spices can be done easily.
Interchangeable Blades:ย Slicer comes with three interchangeable cylindrical blades or drums. Each one is used for a different purpose like shredding, slicing, etc. It has three color options, Red, Green, and Blue so you can match it with your taste.
Anti-Slip Base:ย Slicer has silica gel vacuum suction base. It holds on a flat surface with an excellent grip and makes the cutting more stable. It is way faster than a kitchen knife, one turn of the handle cut as much as 5 ordinary knives and hence saves time. It also keeps your fingers safe and your veggies clean.
Material:PP, Rubber, stainless steel
Blade Material:430 Stainless Steel
Product Dimensions:7.5"L x 5.12"W x 11.02"H(inches)
Weight:1.48 Pounds
Product Care Instructions:Top Rack Dishwasher Safe
โšก๏ธStock sells fast -ย get yours today

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159.00 SR 69.00 SR